streaming portal is dedicated to scientists
from the community of qPCR,
digital PCR, Next Generation Sequencing
(NGS), MicroGenomics (MG) and
Molecular Diagnostics (MDx). You’ll find
here all the records from
around 280 presentations held at qPCR &
NGS and MG Events in the
past years – qPCR 2010 in Vienna, qPCR 2011,
qPCR & NGS 2013 and
qPCR & NGS 2015 in
Freising-Weihenstephan, and MicroGenomics
in Paris.
We provide the presentations via movie
streaming technology in high
quality – high resolution and perfect sound
quality in high speed – on
any internet browser or mobile device,
including Android or iOS.
2009 - Proceedings,
Talks and Posters are free for
download !
The choice of suitable reference genes is absolutely
crucial in RT-qPCR
gene expression analysis. Often, genes from commercial
panels don't
work well for one's own biological context. Ideally,
the expression of
reference genes should remain unchanged across samples
within the
context under study.
Solution RefGenes is an online app from Genevestigator
allows users to search for genes that are most stable
across a chosen
set of samples based on microarray data. This set of
samples can be
chosen according to experimental conditions or tissue
types. For
example, if you are performing a RT-qPCR experiment on
mouse liver
samples, you can use RefGenes to identify the set of
genes that are
most stable across all microarrays done on mouse liver
Genevestigator. This method offers two major
improvements over existing
methods because a) it does not narrow down from a
small set of genes
(e.g. commercial housekeeping gene panels), but looks
for novel
candidates from a genome-wide set of genes b) it is
based on
condition-specific stability. The below schema shows
how RefGenes can
be used in combination with existing approaches to
yield valuable
reference genes for specific experimental conditions.