Relative Expression
Software Tool (REST©) for
group wise comparison
and statistical analysis of
relative expression results in real-time PCR
Michael W.
Pfaffl Graham W. Horgan & Leo Dempfle
Nucleic Acids
Research 2002 May 1; 30(9): E36
download new REST © versions
reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
is the most
suitable method for the detection and quantification of mRNA. It offers
high sensitivity,
good reproducibility, and a wide quantification range. Today relative expression is increasingly
used, where the expression of a target gene is standardised by a non regulated reference
gene. Several mathematical algorithm have been developed to
compute an expression ratio, based on real-time PCR efficiency and
the crossing
deviation of an unknown sample versus a control. But all published
equations and
models for the calculation of relative expression ratio allow only
for the determination
of a single transcription difference between one control and one
sample. Therefore
a new software tool was established, named REST © (Relative
Expression Software
Tool), which compares two groups, with up to 16 data points in sample
and 16
in control group, for reference and up to four target
genes. The mathematical model used is based on the PCR efficiencies and the mean
crossing point deviation between sample and control group. Subsequently the
expression ratio results of the four investigated transcripts
are tested for significances by a randomisation test. Herein development and
application of REST is explained and the usefulness of relative expression in
PCR using REST is discussed.
Reverse transcription (RT) followed by polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) is a powerful tool for the detection and quantification of mRNA. Nowadays
real-time RT-PCR is widely and increasingly used, because of its high sensitivity, good
reproducibility, and wide quantification range (1, 2). It is the most sensitive method
for the detection and quantification of gene expression levels, in
particular for low abundant mRNA (1, 2), in tissues with low concentrations of mRNA (e.g.
bone marrow, fatty tissues), from limited tissue sample(e.g. biopsies, single cells)
(3, 4) and to elucidate small changes in mRNA expression levels (1, 2, 5). However, it
is a very complex technique with various substantial problems associated with its
true sensitivity, reproducibility and specificity and, as a fully quantitative
methodology, it suffers from the problems inherent in real-time RT-PCR.
two quantification strategies can be performed: An absolute and a relative quantification. In
absolute quantification the absolute mRNA copy number per vial is determined by
comparison to appropriate external calibration curves (2). The relative expression is
based on
the expression levels of a target gene versus a reference gene and is
adequate for
most purposes to investigate physiological changes in gene expression
levels. Some mathematical models have already been developed to calculate the
relative expression ratios of single samples (6-8), with or without efficiency
correction. Equation 1 shows the most convenient mathematical model, which includes an efficiency
correction for real-time PCR efficiency of the individual transcripts
The relative expression ratio of a target gene is computed,
based on its real-time PCR efficiencies (E) and the crossing point (CP) difference (D)
of an unknown sample versus a control (DCP control - sample). In mathematical
models the target gene expression is normalised by a non regulated reference gene
expression, e.g. derived from housekeeping genes, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (GAPDH), albumin, actins, tubulins, cyclophilin, 18S ribosomal RNA
(rRNA) or 28S rRNA (9-11). But all published equations and available models for the
calculation of relative expression ratios allow for the determination of only a
single transcription difference between ONE control and ONE
sample (n =1), e.g. given in an DNA array experiment, and not for a group wise
comparison for more samples (n >2), given in an experimental trial. Therefore a new software tool
established, named REST © (Relative Expression Software Tool), which compares
groups, with up to 16 data points in sample group versus 16 data points in
control group, and tests the group differences for significance with a newly
developed randomisation test. Nevertheless, the successful
application of real-time RT-PCR and REST depends on a clear understanding of the
practical problems. Therefore a clear experimental design, application and
validation of the applied real-time RT-PCR remains essential for accurate and fully
quantitative measurement of mRNA transcripts. This paper explains the development of
REST application,
discusses the technical aspects involved on an experimental
trial and illustrates the usefulness of relative expression in real-time RT-PCR using REST.
Material and Methods
experiment, total RNA extraction and reverse transcription
Total RNA
extraction was performed from rat liver as described previously (12). Adult rats were either fed with
physiological zinc concentrations
(control group, 58 ppm Zn, n = 7) or suffered 22 to 29 days under zinc
depletion (sample group, 2 ppm Zn, n = 6) (13). Isolated total RNA integrity was
electrophoretically verified by ethidium bromide staining and by an average optical density
(OD) OD260/OD280 nm absorption ratio of 1.97 (range 1.78 – 2.09). Either 330
ng, 1000 ng or 3000 ng total RNA were reverse transcribed with 100 U of Super
script II Plus RNase H- Reverse Trancriptase (Gibco Life technologies,
Gaithersburg, USA) in a volume of 40 µl, using 100 µM random hexamer primers
(Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) according to the manufacturers instructions.
Therefore concentrations of 8.25 ng, 25 ng or 75 ng cDNA (= reverse transcribed
total RNA) per µl were achieved.
Highly purified salt-free (HPSF) primer for target gene
Metallothionein (MT) (forward primer: CTC CTG CAA GAA GAG
CTG CT; reverse primer: TCA GGC GCA GCA GCT GCA CTT) and for
reference gene GAPDH (Forward primer: GTC TTC ACT ACC ATG GAG AAG G;
Reverse primer: TCA TGG ATG ACC TTG GCC AG) were generated commercially (MWG Biotech,
Ebersberg, Germany). The MT primer set is able to amplify the transcripts of MT
isoform 1 and MT isoform 2 mRNA. Conditions for real-time PCRs were optimised in a
gradient cycler (Mastercycler Gradient, Eppendorf, Germany) with regard to
Taq DNA polymerase
(Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Basel, Switzerland), forward and reverse primers, MgCl2
concentrations (Roche Molecular Biochemicals), and various annealing
temperatures (54°C–66°C). RT-PCR amplification products were separated on a 4%
high resolution NuSieve agarose (FMC Bio Products, Rockland, USA)
gel electrophoresis
and analysed with the Image Master system (Pharmacia Biotech). Optimised conditions were
to the following
LightCycler real-time PCR protocol.
real-time PCR
For determination of test and software variations all
applications of different total cDNA input were performed in
triplets (MT 1-3 and GAPDH 1-3). Real-time PCR mastermix was prepared as
follows (to the indicated end-concentration): 6.4 µl water, 1.2 µl MgCl2 (4 mM), 0.2
µl forward primer (0.4 µM), 0.2 µl reverse primer
(0.4 µM) and 1 µl LightCycler - Fast Start DNA Master SYBR
Green I (Roche Molecular Biochemicals). 9 µl of master-mix was filled in the
glass capillaries and 1 µl volume cDNA (either 8.25 ng, 25 ng or
75 ng) was added as PCR template. Capillaries were closed, centrifuged and
placed into a cycling rotor. A four step experimental run protocol was used: (1)
Denaturation program (10 min @ 95°C), (2) amplification and
quantification program repeated 40 times (15 s @ 95°C;10 s @ 60°C for MT or 10 s
@ 58°C for GAPDH; 20 s @ 72°C; 5 s @ 86°C for MT or 5 s @ 84°C for GAPDH
with a single fluorescence measurement), (3) melting curve program
(60°C to 99°C with a heating rate of 0.1°C per second and a continuous
fluorescence measurement) (4) cooling program down to 40°C. To improve
SYBR Green I quantification a high temperature fluorescence measurement point
at the end of the fourth segment was performed (14). It melts the
unspecific PCR products below the chosen temperature, e.g. primer
dimers, eliminates the non-specific fluorescence signal and ensures accurate
quantification of the desired GAPDH and MT real-time RT-PCR product,
respectively. For the described mathematical model it is necessary to
determine the crossing points (CP) for each transcript. CP is defined as the point at
which the fluorescence rises appreciably above the background fluorescence. In
this study “Second derivate maximum Method” was performed for CP
determination, using LightCycler Software 3.5 (15).
statistical evaluations of the determined CP variations and calculated
relative expression
variations (in table 1, 2 and 3), data were analysed for significant differences by ANOVA using
approximate tests (16).
<>Development of
<>Our goal was the development of
a software tool which allows
for a relative quantification between groups, and a subsequent test for
significance of the derived results with a suitable statistical model. Further
the software must be able to run on a widely available platform, which can be used
worldwide on different computer systems. For that reason it was programmed to run
in Microsoft Excel ® (17). In what follows, the four pages
of REST © and the statistical model, a Pair Wise Fixed Reallocation
Test © are described in detail:
Figure 1: Page
1 - Introduction
On the introduction page the basic settings are made for the
REST application. Up to four genes and one reference gene can be labelled. Different
background colours
in the spreadsheets
and the print command are shown and described. Pink cells indicate cells for data input, blue
cells indicate data output, grey cells are used for calculation purposes and output of the CP
variation, the red box will start the Randomisation Test itself and the printer icon
indicates “print this page”. Further, the relative expression equation is given with direct
links to the data input section on page CP input + Randomisation
Figure 2: Page
2 - PCR efficiency
The PCR efficiency calculation is facultative and not
obligatory for the user. To generate the data basis for the
determination of PCR efficiency of each transcript, it is recommended to use various
dilutions in triplets of a pool of all available cDNAs. This ensures the best estimation of
the PCR efficiency. If the user wants to determine the real-time PCR efficiencies, an
import via copy and paste of cDNA starting concentrations in dilution row
and the corresponding CP values measured by the real-time PCR machine is possible.
Depending on the real-time PCR platform used, CP values can be determined either by
“Threshold Cycles” = “Fit Point Method” (all platforms) or “Second derivate maximum Method” (only
LightCycler). Up to three CPs can be inserted in the table (run 1 - 3) per cDNA
starting concentration and REST determines the slope with a logarithmic algorithm,
as published
earlier (1, 6, 18), as well as an indication of the linearity of this
logarithmic alignment using Pearson correlation coefficient. The real-time PCR efficiencies were
calculated from the slope, according to the established equation E = 10
[–1/slope] (1, 18). E is in the range from 1 (minimum value) to
2 (theoretical
maximum and optimum). If no real-time PCR efficiencies are calculated
here, REST
assume an optimal efficiency of E = 2.0 on the following pages and
further procedures.
Figure 3: Page
3 - CP input + Randomisation Test
On the
top the calculated PCR efficiencies or alternatively E = 2.0 are shown
and will be the basis for the calculation and Randomisation Test. Up to 16
CP data per group (control or sample group), can be inserted for the reference
gene and up to fourtarget genes (input section of page 3 is not shown). On
clicking the red box, the Randomisation Test application window will appear. Here the
range of the data set must be defined, for control group and sample group, by
touching the last cell containing the last CP data point (on bottom right of the
pink input window). Further the number of randomisations can be chosen and the
randomisation test will be started on clicking OK. It is recommended
that at least 2000 randomisations be performed (see next section
statistical model). The numeric results of the randomisation test are given in
the Randomisation Data Output box: the concerned Genes, the CP mean of control
group (Control Means), the CP mean of sample group (Sample Means), the
Expression Ratios normalized by the referencegene, the corresponding
p-Values, the Expression Ratios-nn NOT normalized by the reference gene, the
corresponding p-Values-nn and the number of Randomisations performed. To
simplify matters for the user, additional answer sentences were created
according to the calculated results. They are divided into the Randomisation Test Results
(normalised by reference gene expression) and Randomisation Test Results (NOT
normalised by reference gene expression). The sentences tell the user if
the sample group in comparison to the control group is UP- or DOWN- regulated
and illustrates the factor of regulation and if this up- or down-regulation is
significantly different or not. For up-regulation, the factor of regulation is equal to the
given value in the Randomisation Data Output box. In case of down-regulation, the
regulation factor is illustrated as a reciprocal value (1/expression ratio
or 1/expression ratio-nn, respectively).
Figure 4: Page
4 - Ratio + Variation output
The mean
CP of the genes, the CP variations and the CV are calculated and shown to illustrate the
reproducibility and variation of the investigated group data
model: Pair Wise Fixed
Reallocation Randomisation Test ©
Differences in expression between control and treated
samples were assessed in group means (figure 1) for statistical significance by
randomisation tests (19, 20). Permutation or randomisation
tests are a useful alternative to more standard parametric tests for analysing
experimental data. They have the advantage of making no distributional assumptions
(such as Normality) about the data, while remaining as powerful as more standard
tests (20). They calculate p-values by obtaining the proportion of random
of the observed data to the control and treated sample groups that would give
greater indications of a treatment effect than that observed. If this is small,
then there
is evidence that the observed treatment effect is not simply the result
of random allocation. The test thus makes no assumptions concerning the
distribution of measured gene expression in any hypothesised population – it
assumes only the random allocation of treatment. In practice, it is impractical to examine
all possible
allocations of data to treatment groups, and a random sample is drawn. If 2000
or more samples are taken, a good estimate of p-value (SE < 0.005 at
p = 0.05) is obtained. In the applied Pair Wise Fixed Reallocation
Randomisation Test © for each sample, the CP values for
reference and target genes are jointly reallocated to control and sample groups (=
pair wise fixed reallocation), and the expression ratios are calculated as described above.
They are deemed to give greater indications of a treatment effect than that
actually observed if | log R | > | log R0 |
where R0 is the true expression ratio and R the result of reallocation. In Pair
Wise Fixed Reallocation Randomisation Test © a two sided test was performed.
The randomisation tests were carried out using a Microsoft Excel ® macro (17)
attached to a purpose-built spreadsheetand running in the background
of REST.
of primer
Specificity of RT-PCR products was documented with high
resolution gel electrophoresis and
resulted in a single product with the desired length (MT: 106 bp,
197 bp). In
addition a LightCycler melting curve analysis was performed
which resulted insingle product specific melting temperatures: 87.4°C
(GAPDH) and 89.7°C (MT). No primer primer-dimers formation were
generated during the applied 40 real-time PCR amplification cycles.
Real-time PCR
amplification efficiencies and variation
PCR efficiencies were calculated from the slopes given in LightCycler software (15). The
corresponding real-time PCR efficiency (E) of one cycle in the exponential phase was
according to the equation: E = 10 [–1/slope], as described earlier (1, 6,
18). Investigated
transcripts showed real-time PCR efficiency rates for MT (EMT =
1.67) and GAPDH (EGAPDH = 1.88) in theinvestigated range from 120 pg
to 75 ng cDNA input, repeated 6 times, with high linearity
(Pearson correlation coefficient r > 0.989). To mimic different reverse transcription
efficiencies and to confirm precision and reproducibility of real-time PCR, as well as
for REST,
three replicates of real-time RT-PCR at each of various cDNA input
concentrations (3-times more and 3-times less concentrated) were performed
and real-time
RT-PCR and REST variations (CV) were determined. As shown in
table 1 variations of investigated transcripts are based on the CP variation and
remained stable between 2.43% and 10.03% for MT and 1.59% and 12.89% for
GAPDH; the later showing a dependence on the cDNA input in real-time PCR. CP itself
decreased with increasing cDNA input in both factors and groups.
Table 1: ANOVA of CV of inter-assay variation of MT
crossing points (CP) determined in rat liver by real-time RT-PCR started either
with 8.25 ng (1-3), 25 ng (4-6) or 75 ng (7-9) cDNA per
capillary. Given are the mean CP and the coefficient of variation
(CV), each one
based on n=7 for control and n=6 for sample, respectively.
Variation and
reproducibility of REST
On the basis of the previously published mathematical model
(6) REST calculates the relative expression ratios on the basis of group means for
target gene MT
versus reference
gene GAPDH and tests the group ratio results
for significance. Normalised and not normalised expression
results were compared: Normalised by GAPDH expression: As presented in table 2,
the down-regulation factor (reciprocal value of ratio) of MT mRNA in the case of zinc
deficiency was calculated by REST starting from different
cDNA concentrations. Further different runs (MT 1-3 and GAPDH 1-3 => n = 3 x 9) were
compared to calculate all possible combinationsbetween individual real-time
runs. Derived variations and the influence of deviating cDNA starting amounts on the
REST calculated relative expression ratio, and the significance of the performed
randomisation test are presented in table 2. Over all investigated combinations (n =
27) a mean factor of down-regulation of 44.505 (CV = 26.83%) was observed. No
significant differences between cDNA starting concentration on expression ratio could be
Table 2: Factor of down-regulation of MT versus
GAPDH expression levels in rat liver under zinc depletion (=
normalized by the GAPDH expression). Expressed factor of down-regulation (1/ ratio) and
p values of control group (n = 7) versus zinc depletion (sample group; n = 6) were
calculated by REST. Date were determined in triplets at each of different stages of cDNA
input (8.25 ng, 25 ng, 75 ng), according to the CP values given in table 1. ANOVA (n = 3 x 9)
was performed to test the influence of cDNA
starting concentration
on expression ratio including normalisation by GAPDH.
normalisation by GAPDH
In table 3 the factor of down-regulation of MT mRNA in the
case of zinc deficiency was calculated by REST without normalisation by reference
gene. For MT a mean down-regulation factor of 28.081 (CV = 10.22%)
and for GAPDH of 0.677 (CV = 29.79%) were observed. No significant differences
between cDNA starting concentration on expression ratio could be found either for MT or
Table 3: Factor of down-regulation of MT and GAPDH
expression levels in rat liver under zinc
depletion (= NOT normalized by the GAPDH expression). Raw CP data
sets are
to table 1. ANOVA (n = 9) was performed for MT and GAPDH separately
to test the
of cDNA starting concentration on expression ratio without
Today, real-time
RT-PCR using fluorescence dyes significantly simplifies and accelerates
the process of producing reproducible and reliable quantification of
mRNA (1). This has led to the development of new kinetic RT-PCR
methodologies that are revolutionising the posssibilities of mRNA
quantification (21). Absolute quantification is very common, where an
appropriate external calibration curves is used to determine the
absolute mRNA copy number (2). On the other hand relative expression
will be increasingly performed by researchers according to several
established mathematical models (6-8). But until now no reliable
application was available for a group-wise calculation of the relative
expression ratio and a subsequent statistical comparison of the results
by a statistical test. Herein a new software tool is presented and
described, which allows for such a group comparison and statistical
analysis. REST is based on an efficiency corrected mathematical model
for data analysis. It calculates the relative expression ratio on the
basis of the PCR efficiency (E) and
crossing point deviation (DCP) of the investigated transcripts (6) and
on a newly developed randomisation test macro.
Crossing point
For the determination of CP in general two methods can be
chosen: “Fit Point Method” or adequate methodologies like
“Threshold Cycle” (22, 23) where CP will be measured at constant fluorescence level
and “Second derivative maximum Method” where CP will be measured at the maximum
increase or acceleration of fluorescence, even if the fluorescence levels between
curves are different (18). Besides the LightCycler, the“Fit Point Method” or
“Threshold Cycle” are used in TaqMan ® (PE Applied Biosystems,
Foster City, CA,
USA), RotoGene ® (Corbett Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia), iCycler ® Thermal Cycler
(Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) and Multiplex Quantitative PCR System ® (Stratagene,
La Jolla,
CA, USA). “Second derivate maximum Method” is an algorithm exclusively used
in LightCycler
software (15).
The normalisation of the target gene with an endogenous
standard is recommended. REST allows for a normalisation of the target genes with a
reference gene. On both mathematical models the Pair Wise Fixed Reallocation
Randomisation Test © is performed and the results are presented
in the appropriate output windows. Researchers can decide if they
want to correct the data or not. The basis of data normalisation is the expression
result of an endogenous desirable unregulated reference gene transcript to
compensate inter PCR variations (sample to samplevariations) between the runs.
If the
CP deviation of the chosen reference gene has the same mean in the control as
in sample group mean ( DCPref (MEAN contol – MEAN sample) = 0 ) then stable and constant
reference gene mRNA level is given. Real-time RT-PCR specific errors in the
quantification of mRNA transcripts are easily compounded with any
variation in the amount of starting material between the samples. This is
especially relevant when the samples have been obtained from different
individuals, and will result in the misinterpretation of the derived expression profile of
the target genes (1). Here some questions arise: What is the appropriate
reference gene for an experimental treatment and investigated tissue?
24). Commonly used housekeeping genes (9) are suitable for reference
genes, since
they are present in all nucleated cell types and necessary for basic
cell survival.
The mRNA
synthesis of housekeeping genes is considered to be stable in various
tissues, even
under experimental treatments (9-11). But numerous treatments and
studies have already shown that the mentioned housekeeping genes are regulated
and vary under experimental conditions (25-28). It remains with the
investigator to decide which reference gene is best for a reliable normalisation. In
addition, the endogenous control should be expressed at roughly
the same CP level as the target gene (1). At the same CP level, reference and target
underwent already the same cycle condition, real-time RT-PCR kinetics, in respect to
polymerase activation (heat activation of polymerase) or inactivation and reaction
end product
inhibition by the generated RT-PCR product (29). The software can give you the
essential hints if a normalisation via the chosen reference is useful (by the
factor of regulation and p-value-nn of the randomisation test of the reference), or if the
reference is not suitable, because it is significantly regulated.
Impact on the accuracy of the
calculated expression result (30). A correction for efficiency, as
performed in equation 1 and 2, is recommended and results in a more
reliable estimation of the “real” expression ratio compared to NO
efficiency correction. Small efficiency differences between target and
reference gene generate false expression ratio, and the researcher
over- or underestimates the “real” initial RNA amount. When the
difference (D) in PCR efficiency (E) is DE = 0.03 between target and
reference gene, the falsely calculated differences in expression ratio
is 46% in case of Etarget < Eref and 209% in case of Etarget >
Eref after 25 performed cycles. This difference will increase
dramatically by higher efficiency differences DE = 0.05 (27% and 338%)
and DE = 0.10 ( 7.2% and 1083%) and higher cycles performed. Therefore
efficiency corrected quantification is calculated automatically by
REST, based on the method described on page 2. It is recommended to
the determination of real-time PCR efficiency in triplets for
every tissue separately in a pool of all starting RNAs to accumulate all possible impacts
on PCR efficiency. As known each tissue exhibit an individual PCR efficiency,
caused by RT and PCR inhibitors (purified in RNA extraction) and by variations in the total
RNA pattern extracted.
quantification software
Up to now
only one relative quantification software for real-time PCR is
available and distributed by Roche Molecular Biochemicals “LightCycler
Relative Quantification Software” (30). The mathematical algorithm on
which the Roche Molecular Biochemicals software is based is unpublished, and might be
the one discussed earlier (6, 8).
LightCycler Relative Quantification Software allows only for
a comparison of maximal triplets (n = 3), of a target versus a calibrator
(cal) gene (which is identical to the control), both corrected via a reference (ref). The
relative and normalised expression ratio is calculated on the basis of the median of the
performed triplets and computed according to the given equation 3 (30).
equation contains a correction factor (CF) as well as a multiplication
factor (MF) which are provided in the product specific applications by Roche
Molecular Biochemicals. Ratio concentration (conc) are
derived from
relative standard curves using the CP median values. Target to reference ratios of
all samples are referenced to the target to reference ratio of the calibrator. Thus it is
important to correct for lot-to-lot differences of the calibrator for comparability of data (30).
Advantages of REST
REST allows a comparison of 4
target genes with a reference gene in two experimental groups with up
to 16 data per group. Relative quantification of a target transcript is
based on the mean CP deviation of control and sample group, normalised
by a reference transcript. Real-time PCR efficiency correction can be
performed and is highly recommended. Normalisation via endogenous
standard can be performed according to the users demand, but it is
recommended to compensate inter-RT-PCR (or sample to sample) variations
(30), variations in RNA integrity, RT efficiency differences and cDNA
sampleloading variations. Therefore a high reproducibility of RT and RT
efficiency which greatly varies between tissues, the applied RNA
isolation methodology and the used RT enzymes (32, 33) are not
important any more. Herein different cDNA input concentrations were
tested (± 300%) to mimic these huge RT variations and resulted
in no significant changes of relative expression ratio evaluated by
REST. Also the reproducibility of the developed mathematical model used in
REST was given, based on the exact determination of real-time amplification
efficiencies and low LightCycler CP variability documented in
Wise Fixed Reallocation Randomisation Test ©
Randomisation tests with a
pair wise reallocation were seen as the most appropriate approach for this application.
They make no assumptions about the distribution of observations in populations,
which would always be questionable for gene expression measurements. Instead, they
assume that animals were randomly allocated to control and treatment groups, which is
known to be true if the experimental protocol was adhered. They are more flexible than
non-parametric tests based on ranks (Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis etc.) and do not suffer a
reduction in power relative to parametric tests (t-tests, ANOVA etc.) They can be slightly
conservative (i.e. type I error rates lower than the stated
significance level) due to
acceptance of randomisations with group differences identical to
that observed, but this mainly occurs when used with discrete data (which
gene expression data are not) and small sample sizes.
REST © (Relative
Expression Software Tool) using Pair Wise Fixed Reallocation Randomisation Test © is
presented in order for a better understanding of relative quantification analysis in
real-time RT-PCR. In rat liver the MT down-regulation in zinc deficiency group versus the
control group, lead to similar results using either a normalisation or no
normalisation via GAPDH. Real-time RT-PCR in combination with REST is the method of choice
any experiments requiring sensitive, specific and reproducible quantification of
mRNA. The software developed, based on the described mathematical model,
exhibits suitable reliability as well as reproducibilityin individual runs, confirmed
by high accuracy and low variation independent of huge template concentration
variations. The latest version of REST and examples for the correct use can be
downloaded at the URL:
The author thanks D. Schmidt
for technical assistance. The experimental trial was performed in collaboration with the
Animal Nutrition and Production Physiology, Center of Life and Food Sciences, Technical
University of Munich under the supervision of Dr. W. Windisch.
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